By Winnebago County on October 27, 2022
Category: News & Announcements

County Board approves Phase 4 of Chairman's Initiative projects

 The Winnebago County Board approved an additional round of Chairman's Initiative Projects for Economic Impact. This program provides County Board members the ability to allocate American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to various projects within their district.

Phase 4 Projects include:

BLUE 815,: $23,000 to support the Winnebago County Sheriff's Office Community Officers as well as educational opportunities and honoring fallen officers - John Sweeney & Fred Wescott

Rockford Family Peace Center: $17,000 to provide legal counsel to survivors of domestic violence who cannot otherwise secure legal representation - Angela Fellars

Rockford Mass Transit District: $15,000 to purchase an RMTD bus passenger shelter to be installed at Broadway and 7th Street in Rockford - Jaime Salgado

The Entrepreneur Club: $10,000 to host educational events and professional resources for individuals looking to start or grow their own businesses - Jaime Salgado & Dorothy Redd

Friends of the Coronado Foundation: $10,000 to fund the REACH for the Stars student outreach project and immerse 8,000 local youth into the performing arts scene - Angela Fellars

A more detailed list of the projects can be found here:

Chairman's Initiative Projects: Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4