There are size and weight limits to vehicles and equipment that use the highway system. Oversize and overweight vehicles and equipment are required to obtain a permit to operate on our highways. Such restrictions are intended to protect the taxpayers’ investment in the highway system. Winnebago County is the only County in the State of Illinois that has a unified oversized/overweight permitting system. In other counties motorists and businesses are required to contact each of the governing agencies having jurisdiction over their desired routes of travel to obtain their permit to avoid the severe monetary penalties. In fact, this innovative program recently won Winnebago County the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Public Innovator Award.
Oversized/Overweight permits for any of the roads in Winnebago County (excluding the Villages of Durand and any State Highways) can be obtained by calling our CAPS line at 815-319-4002 or by registering for a CAPS account.
Roads are posted (which limits the weight of vehicles and equipment) to prevent damage to roads throughout the late winter/spring thawing season (usually from February - April). When a road base thaws, it softens and cannot carry the heavier loads allowed throughout the remainder of the year. While the roads are posted, the Sheriff's Department patrols the highways, checking for violators. As soon as the road base firms up, the danger of road damage has passed and the road postings (weight restrictions) are removed.
Road jurisdiction is a confusing issue. Road jurisdiction (ownership) can be overseen by various municipalities or townships, the County, the State the Illinois, the State Toll Highway Authority, or perhaps the Forest Preserve District or a park district. In addition, jurisdiction does not necessarily mean maintenance. There are many State highways maintained by municipalities. Lastly, jurisdiction can change between agencies. To assist you in determining road ownership, view the Jurisdiction & Maps page.
Road signs are a significant safety feature of our highway system. Signs are maintained by the entity having jurisdiction over the highway. Please immediately report damaged or missing road signs to the proper entity. To do so, please call one of the following phone numbers or contact us at the Winnebago County Highway Department.
If it is after hours, please call the Winnebago County Sheriff's Department or dial 911. Missing stop signs or malfunctioning traffic signals are considered a public safety issue. Please immediately contact the Winnebago County Highway Department at 319-4000.
Winnebago County chip seals some roads on a five year rotation to extend pavement life and prevent deterioration of the road surface. It is a cost effective way to extend the life of the road.
The process is similar to sealing a driveway but we add small aggregate (chips). The procedure consists of spraying a fine layer of hot oil on the existing road surface followed by small aggregates. The next step consist of compacting the chips into the hot oil with rubber tired rollers to get the chips to adhere to the oil and existing roadway. After settling for a couple weeks, we sweep any excess loose chips off the roadway.
Paint used on our highway system is a water based product that dries quickly and can be easily removed if given attention as quickly after contact as possible. Drivers can avoid contact with paint by being patient, not driving too close to the painting operation and by not driving through freshly painted striping. The Winnebago County Highway Department is willing to answer any questions you may have regarding this issue.
Unfortunately, plowing snow can take place at any time of the day or night. While visibility is better during daylight hours, it is still very difficult during a snowstorm and particularly more difficult when snow is being plowed. In addition our drivers are very busy operating the snow plow while watching for highway obstacles. Occasionally, because of poor visibility we damage a mailbox. If this unfortunate situation occurs, let us know. We will replace your mail box with a temporary box until a permanent box can be installed the following spring. It must be noted that we will only replace/repair the mailbox if it was knocked down directly by one of our plows. The county will not be responsible for damages caused by heavy snow or slush - most mailboxes withstand heavy snow and slush if properly installed. As always, for the safety of all, we ask you to be patient when approaching, following, or passing a snow plow as our drivers are very busy.
The Winnebago County Highway Department has developed procedures for submitting claims for property damage to vehicles while traveling on highways under the jurisdiction and maintenance of the Highway Department. We cannot assume liability or responsibility for circumstances beyond its control including, but not limited to:
- Weather related events and conditions such as ice, snow, flooding, tornadoes, etc.
- Damages caused by other motorists/vehicles
- Unreported road debris or conditions
To report a condition, download and complete the Claim Form. Submit your completed claim form along with any supporting documentation via email or postal mail. You may email your claim to our office at
The Highway Department evaluates each claim based upon negligence and liability standards established by Illinois law. These standards hold Winnebago County is not a general insurer of motorists traveling on Winnebago County highways. Before Winnebago County can possibly be held liable for damages, the County must have had prior notice of a condition and have had an adequate length of time, given the circumstances, to remedy or repair the condition. Notice is a prerequisite that cannot be waived.
Acceptance of the claim form is not a guarantee that the claim will be paid. Each claim is reviewed individually and is accepted or denied based on the specific facts related to that claim. While every effort will be made to expedite processing, it will likely take 21 days to issue a final written determination. Please contact your insurance agent if the damage requires urgent consideration. Your insurance company can arrange for repairs and submit a claim on your behalf.