Tax Information

YearEnd Tax Information:

We do not mail out YearEnd tax information. Please use your prior tax bill (2023) for amount paid in 2024 and parcel ID number.

If you do not have your bill, click here to View or Pay Bill.

Our goal is to provide you with as many convenient ways to pay your real estate taxes as possible. Paying taxes is never fun, but we are striving to make it easy. Please note that back taxes cannot be paid through this website; you will need to contact the Winnebago County Clerk's office at (815) 319-4253 for payment of back taxes.

Current Year Tax Information:
Partial payments are not accepted.

  • You can pay with e-Check (ACH). Payments are FREE - click Pay Taxes Online above or below.
  • You can pay with Debit & Credit Card. These payments are 2.25% of the amount charged. No portion of these fees are retained by Winnebago County, the fees are paid directly to our Payment Servicer, Autoagent / Municipay. - click Pay Taxes Online above or below.
  • You can also call Autoagent / Municipay directly at 815-859-9650, this is an automated line - if using debit or credit there is a fee of 2.25% of amount charged.
  • You can pay at many local banks with cash or checks. Please have your bill with you.

    Associated Bank, Consumers Credit Union (formerly Rkfd Bell C.U.) First Mid, German American State Bank, Generations Credit Union, Holcomb Bank, Members Alliance Credit Union, Midland State Bank, Northwest Bank , Illinois Bank & Trust, Harvard State Bank,  CB & I Bank & Trust, Rockford Community Bank, Solutions Bank, State Bank of Davis, Stillman Valley Bank, The First National Bank of Amboy, Union Savings Bank.

Attention Mortgage Companies and Title Companies:
There is a duplicate bill fee of $3.00 per parcel if you do not have the original bill. Please enclose a separate check for this cost when mailing payments.
This bill fee does NOT pertain to homeowners mailing payments or payments made in person.

Real Estate Taxes

First Installment:
  Payments should include the installment coupon numbered "1" from the top right-hand portion of the bill.
  Your check should be for the full amount of the installment and made payable to the WINNEBAGO COUNTY COLLECTOR.
  To avoid any late penalty, the payment must be made on or before due date.
  A United States Postal Service postmark is accepted as date of payment in the calculation of a late penalty.
 Second Installment:  
  Payments should include the installment coupon numbered "2" from the bottom right-hand portion of the bill.
  Your check should be for the full amount of the installment and made payable to the WINNEBAGO COUNTY COLLECTOR.
  To avoid any late penalty, the payment must be made on or before due date.
  A United States Postal Service postmark is accepted as date of payment in the calculation of a late penalty.
  How to Pay Your Tax Bill:
  Mail your tax bill and payment to:
    Winnebago County Treasurer
    404 Elm Street, Rm 205
    Rockford, IL 61101
  You may pay in person at Winnebago County Treasurer, Theresa Grennan's Office, located at:
    Winnebago County Administration Building
     404 Elm Street, Room 205
    Rockford, IL 61101
  Pay Taxes Online
1. e-Check (ACH) - no fees
2. Online Credit or Debit through Autoagent / Municipay- fees @ 2.25% of amount charged
  For your convenience, many participating Financial Institutions in Winnebago County are accepting property tax payments.

Mobile Home Taxes

  • Tax Bills are mailed 60 days prior to due date. Current due date is April 11, 2025.
  • Owners of mobile homes on January 1st of each year are responsible for the tax.
  • If you would like a receipt, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment.
  • Tax is calculated by multiplying the rate (based on the age of the mobile home) times the square footage.
  • If mobile home taxes are not paid by the due date a $25.00 late fee will be applied per year.

Senior Information

Senior Citizen Exemption:

  • Available for taxpayers who will be 65 years or older at any time during the assessment year, and who own and occupy their principal dwelling on January 1st of that year.
  • The exemption reduces the state equalized valuation by $5,000.
  • If you qualify and have not received this exemption, call the Supervisor of Assessments at (815)319-4460.
  • Deadline for filing: Dec 31st of the assessment year.

Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Exemption:

  • Qualified Senior Citizens can freeze the equalized assessed value of their property for as long as they remain eligible.
  • Exemption must be applied for before July 1st of each year, and requires a household income below $65,000.
  • The applicant must be the owner of record, and use the residence as his or her principal residence.
  • If you qualify for this exemption please contact the Supervisor of Assessments at (815)319-4460.

Senior Citizen Tax Deferral Program:

  • Available to qualified seniors 65 years of age and older with an annual income of $65,000 or less.
  • "Deferred" property taxes are paid by the state, with repayment plus interest due upon settlement of the estate or sale of the property.
  • The maximun amount that can be deferred each tax year is now $7,500. The taxpayer will be responsible for paying  the County any amount  due over the $7,500.
  • For information call (815)319-4400.
  • Deadline for filing: March 1st of the assessment year.

Tax Increment Financing

Your tax bill this year may have a new listing under the Taxing Body section. If you own property in a tax increment financing (TIF) district, you will have a listing called "something" TIF. For example, in the City of Rockford, you may own property in the East Side TIF District. These districts are created by local governments in accordance with State law whereby certain areas (as defined under State law) in need of development/redevelopment can have such necessary improvements done in order to make the areas viable again. Such improvements (upon meeting qualifications) can be financed through TIF district revenues.

Revenues for the districts are generated by the collection of property taxes each year at an increment based on the increase in assessed valuation of properties within the area since the districts were created. This excess tax revenue collected can only be used to fund projects located with the district.

Prior to this year, this increment was part of the current tax for each taxing body. Thus, the amount shown for each taxing body consisted of the base, the amount due the taxing body, and the increment, the increase generated by assessment growth since the district was created, the amount due the TIF district.

For this year, the increments have been separated from each taxing body and collectively identified as the increment for a TIF district. For more information about TIF districts, please contact the local government sponsoring the TIF district found on your tax bill.

Tax Sale

What is a tax sale?

• By Illinois State Statutes (35ILCS200) the county collector/treasurer is required to sell any taxes that have not been paid for the current tax year.
• We do not sell the property; we sell only the unpaid taxes.
• At the sale the tax buyers pay the taxes for the homeowner, and then the County Treasurer distributes the money to the taxing bodies.
• After the sale is completed the owner of record deals directly with the Winnebago County Clerk’s office for redemption amounts.
• The homeowner has a period of 2 ½ years to redeem (buy back) their taxes; 1 year for vacant non-farm land or properties with 7 or more residential units or commercial / industrial properties.  Period of redemption may be extended by the certificate holder. See 35 ILCS 200/21-350 for complete statutes .
• The longer the time between the sale and redemption, the higher the interest is likely to be.