If you have not paid your taxes for 2023 or prior years you will need to contact the Winnebago County Clerks office at 815-319-4253, back taxes CANNOT be paid online. A tax buyer paid your taxes for you and attached a percentage rate. You will have a period of 2.5 years to redeem your taxes; 1 year for vacant non-farm land or properties with 7 or more residential units or commercial / industrial properties. Period of redemption may be extended by the certificate holder. Within the 2.5-year period the interest rate will increase every six months. It is in your best interest to redeem (pay back) your taxes as soon as possible. See 35 ILCS 200/21-350 for complete statutes.
The purpose of the Treasurer's Office is to assist taxpayers of Winnebago County, collect funds and distribute to the taxing districts throughout the year. The office has many other duties outside of property and mobile taxes. The Treasurer's Office is also responsible for: investment of county funds, balance bank statements, record and manage bankruptcies, enter owner information for newly recorded deeds, change addresses for taxpayers, process tax bill corrections received from the Supervisor of Assessments office, mail refunds, receive and record deposits daily, issue mobile home certifications, collect and deposit Hotel/Motel tax fees. Additionally, we accept payments for miscellaneous county fines, as well as register, process, call and balance our annual tax sale. Susan J. Goral has been the Treasurer of Winnebago County since 1999 and has been employed by the Treasurer's Office since 1979. Sue and her staff are available to assist taxpayers with any problems or issues they may have with their taxes in person, by phone or via email during office hours.
Susan Goral
Contact Us
404 Elm Street, Room 205
Rockford, Illinois 61101
(815) 319-4400
Office Hours
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.