Economic Development Committee
Mondays week before each Board meeting (as needed)
- John F. Sweeney, Chair
- Angela Fellars
- Valerie Hanserd
- Brad Lindmark
- Tim Nabors
- John Penney
- Ray Thompson
Chris Dornbush, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4367
Finance Committee
Thursdays week before each Board meeting (following the OA Committee)
- John Butitta, Chair
- Paul Arena
- Joe Hoffman
- Keith McDonald
- Jaime Salgado
- John F. Sweeney
- Christina Valdez
Steve Schultz, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4238
Operations & Administrative Committee
Thursdays week before each Board meeting
- Keith McDonald, Chair
- Paul Arena
- John Butitta
- Valerie Hanserd
- Joe Hoffman
- Jaime Salgado
- Michael Thompson
Patrick Thompson, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4244
Public Safety & Judiciary Committee
Monday week before 2nd Board Meeting
- Brad Lindmark, Chair
- Aaron Booker
- Angie Goral
- Kevin McCarthy
- Tim Nabors
- Chris Scrol
- Michael Thompson
Marlana Dokken, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4059
Public Works Committee
Tuesday week before 2nd Board Meeting
- Dave Tassoni, Chair
- Kevin McCarthy
- Chris Scrol
- Ray Thompson
- Jim Webster
- Open
- Open
Carlos Molina, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4031
Zoning Committee
4th Wednesday of the month (as needed)
- Jim Webster, Chair
- Paul Arena
- Aaron Booker
- Angie Goral
- Dave Tassoni
- Ray Thompson
- Christina Valdez
Troy Krup, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4358
Legislative & Lobbying Committee
Call of the Chair
- Jaime Salgado, Chair
- Paul Arena
- Angela Fellars
- Valerie Hanserd
- Tim Nabors
- John Penney
- John F. Sweeney
Karen Elyea, Staff Liaison
(815) 319-4234
Appointed Boards
Consistent with 55 ILCS 5/5-44060 State of Illinois Counties Code, the units of local government, special districts, or other governing bodies whose membership is appointed in whole or in part by the County Board or Chairman are posted here.
View the Directory of Local Public Entities to which the County appoints members
Winnebago County citizens interested in serving on an appointed Board may submit an application for consideration upon vacancy of specified boards.
Apply here to be considered for a Board Vacancy
To be considered for appointment, the following requirements may apply:
- Swear to uphold and sign before a notary the Oath of Office provided
- Read, agree to, sign, and return the appointment agreement
- Complete the General Bond application (if applicable)
- Provide a certificate of insurance naming Winnebago County secondary insured (if applicable)
- File with the Winnebago County Clerk the required Statement of Economic Interest
- Disclose to the County Board Chairman any conflict of interest that may arise during the term of service, including but not limited to financial or relational affiliations
- Keep contact information current with the County Board Office
- Prepare for and participate in Board meetings, attending no less than 51% of regular meetings
- In case of change, forward to the County any changes in the Board bylaws
Questions may be directed to the County Board Office at