Press Room


December 10, 2024

Contact:  Matt Fox

Winn. County Highway Dept.


The Highway Department is finalizing phase one engineering for proposed improvements to Owen Center Road from north of Riverside Boulevard to Latham Road. The project is being funded in part with Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. The scope of work includes widening and ditch grading to construct a 4' asphalt safety shoulder. In addition to the shoulder work, the existing roadway will be resurfaced. The Elmwood Road intersection will be converted to a simple 2-lane (one lane in each direction) roundabout and the Latham Road intersection will be widened to accommodate large truck turning movements. As part of the Latham Road intersection improvement, an existing box culvert will be replaced on Owen Center Road just south of the intersection. Construction for this project is estimated to begin by late fall of 2025 and be completed in 2026.

As part of the phase one engineering, an open house public meeting has been scheduled to receive public input. This meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 7th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Winnebago County Soil and Water Conservation District office located at 4833 Owen Center Road.

Should you have questions or concerns regarding the project improvements, please feel free to contact me at (815) 319-4000 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.