Bidding & Letting

Bidding & Letting

Bid Announcements:

None at this time.


  • Hard copies of plans and proposals will no longer be available for pick-up at our office or by request through any other means.
  • Electronic bid submittals will not be accepted.
  • It is the responsibility of the bidder to check the project page for addendums. 
  • Please check our website for the bid results pending Illinois Department of Transportation and Winnebago County Board approval.

 (Click on the plan room to go to the login page)  Plan Room


Current Bid Tabulations:

Sec 22-00714-00-MS (Baxter Road Watermain Extension)

Sec 24-XX000-01-GM (Seal coat Various Townships)

 Sec 24-02000-01-GM (Mulford Rd Resurface CV TWP & Village of CV)

Sec2 4-00000-00-GM Material (2024 General Letting)

Sec 24-09000-02-RS (RFD TWP Var Rds Resurface)

Sec 24-14000-01-RS_Winnebago_TWP_Weldon_Resurface_BidTab.pdf

Sec 23-00720-00-RS (Elevator Road Resurfacing)

Sec 22-00709-00-RS (Latham Road Resurfacing) - (Owen Center Rd to IL-2)