Following the fire that took place Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 403 W. Elm Street in Rockford (the building directly behind and connected to the Winnebago County Courthouse at 400 W. State St.) the Circuit Court and County Departments have had to adapt to ensure operations continue as efficiently as possible until the building can reopen. For near...
Winnebago County Board Chairman Joe Chiarelli is currently accepting applications for a Northern Illinois Regional Affordable Community Housing (NiReACH) board member following the resignation of board member Mustafa Abdall. This resignation opens up a vacancy on the NiReACH Board to fill the unexpired term through November 2024. Nor...
Date: December 16, 2022 Winnebago County Board Chairman Joe Chiarelli is currently accepting applications for a Rockford Area Venues & Entertainment Authority board member following the resignation of board member Howie Heaton. Heaton was initially appointed to the RAVE Board in June 2014 and was reappointed to a consecutive 5-year te...
The Winnebago County Board approved an additional round of Chairman's Initiative Projects for Economic Impact. This program provides County Board members the ability to allocate American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to various projects within their district. Winnebago County received approximately $55 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of ...
WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Ill. – Registration for the Ring Video Doorbell Program offered through Winnebago County is now closed to new applicants. As previously stated, availability is limited; residents meeting the eligibility requirements will be served based on the order in which their application was received. Please do not contact your Board Member. ...
WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Ill. – It has been brought to the attention of the Winnebago County Board Office that a scam regarding non-payment of taxes has been circulating to residents of Winnebago County. This is not an official letter from Winnebago County, and it is believed this is an attempt to scam residents into paying a fake tax debt. There is a bol...
The Illinois Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act requires all Illinois counties to update their 20-year comprehensive solid waste management plan every five (5) years. To achieve this, Boone and Winnebago counties partnered with the Region 1 Planning Council (R1PC) to create a regional plan update on behalf of both counties. The Operat...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 4, 2022 Contact: Sean Von Bergen Winnebago County Highway Dept. Office: (815)319-4034 Fax: (815)319-4001 Jill Heyser ComEd Overhead Transmission Engineer 630-576-6757 PECATONICA PRAIRIE TRAIL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ComEd has hired Brieser Construction to replace the bridge east of Pecatonica Community Garden Park on the P...
The Winnebago County Board has identified the need for River Bluff Nursing Home to have more oversight of its business operations and create strategic goals in becoming economically viable and achieve long term success. The Operations and Administrative Committee brought forward a resolution to establish a Board of Directors in order to accomplish ...
After overwhelming interest in the first round of the Ring Video Doorbell Program, a second round of registration is now open and this time, available to all residents of Winnebago County. Beginning November 1, 2022 any citizen residing in the County of Winnebago who meets the eligibility requirements is welcome to sign up for the agreement and rec...
The Winnebago County Board approved an additional round of Chairman's Initiative Projects for Economic Impact. This program provides County Board members the ability to allocate American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to various projects within their district. Phase 4 Projects include: • BLUE 815,: $23,000 to support the Winnebago County Sheriff's O...
Date: October 17, 2022 To: Citizens of Winnebago County From: Winnebago County Board Office Re: Winnebago County Chairman Joseph Chiarelli is Seeking Applicants for the Appointed Position of Zoning Board of Appeals Vacancy Winnebago County is currently accepting applications for a Zoning Board of Appeals member. The Zoning Board of Appeals is...
Join multiple agencies for an upcoming expo on November 2 at UW Health Sports Factory. Stop by anytime from 3 - 7 p.m. to learn how to do business with your local government! Breakout sessions will be hosted by: • Winnebago County Government • City of Rockford Government • Rockford Park District • Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 11, 2022 Contact: Andy Limberg Winn. County Highway Dept. 815-319-4018 GLEASMAN ROAD CLOSURE Gleasman Road will be closed to thru traffic between Illinois Rte. 2 (North Main) and Rockton Avenue for a box culvert replacement. The work is scheduled to start the week of October 17, 2022 and is anticipated to be comp...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2022 Contact: Andy Limberg Winnebago County Highway Dept. Office: (815)319-4000 Fax: (815)319-4001 MULFORD ROAD CULVERT PIPE REPLACEMENT & RESURFACING Beginning Tuesday October 11, 2022, Mulford Road will be closed to traffic between Sandy Hollow Road and Harrison Avenue thru October 14, 2022 for culvert pipe re...
WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Ill. – Effective January 1, 2023, Illinois is set to be the first state in the union to eliminate cash bail through the SAFE-T Act. Among many concerns is that the SAFE-T Act creates unreasonable legal standards for detention in forcible felonies such as murder and armed robbery. The Winnebago County Board believes that this...
WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Ill. – To help local law enforcement solve crimes and give homeowners an added sense of security, Winnebago County will allocate $130,000 of its American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to purchasing Ring Video Doorbell cameras for eligible residents in the county. Last year, Winnebago County received ARP dollars to assist in combatting t...
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Press Room FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 14, 2022 Contact: Andy Limberg Winn. County Highway Dept. 815-319-4018 GLEASMAN ROAD CLOSURE Gleasman Road will be closed to traffic between Old River Road and Roscoe Road for a Box Culvert replacement adjacent to the railroad elevated bridge. The work is scheduled to st...
County Board approves Phases 2 and 3 of Chairman's Initiative projects WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Ill. – To assist with the negative economic impacts from the COVID pandemic, Winnebago County received in total approximately $55 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP). The County has determined that a portion of the award, $1 million, will be used fo...
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Ill. – The Winnebago County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is nearing completion following more than a year of providing rental and utility assistance to households impacted financially due to the COVID pandemic. In total, more than $15 million was awarded to Winnebago County to be used...